If there's one thing that the husband gives me a hard time about, it's my reading of celebrity gossip online..or more specifically--Perez. Somehow, with all of his haranguing of me, I never feel guilty. And now I know why. Health Communication is wrapping up for the semester, and in our last two classes we have spent some time reviewing what we have learned over the last several months. One of the major things that Dr. E has focused on in our discussions is the fact that the mass media really is public health educator #1. We try our best with our public health messages but we really aren't the true educators out there. So, the take home message is that in order to know what the world at large is learning about health, it's important for us public health folks to educate ourselves. We have to watch Gossip Girl and American Idol. We have to know who Miley Cyrus is. And we have to read a tad bit of celebrity gossip. So hub--take that. Reading Perez is homework. Who knew? With that, I bid farewell to my post in the blogosphere and leave the blogging to the pros. I've enjoyed it all--the banter between friends, the poetry, and the posts written by my cat. Thanks and ta ta for now!