Wednesday, April 23, 2008

thanks to rosie

About a month ago, dear rose hipped me to a PBS special on the non-biological determinants of health. Since then, I have been watching the video clips incessantly and will be showing several in the final installments of the Health Psychology course I am teaching. Those students sure love their video! Because this 4 hour series is so dang good, I thought it would be wrong not to share it with you all.

Have a look at the trailer:

For access to all of the clips, go to the website for Unnatural Causes:


Rose said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rose said...

awesome! glad it's helpful. (last post deleted because of a typo, for all you curious folks).

Reverend Bluejeans said...

Do not go gentle into that socio-economic night, old age should be everyone's equal birth right; rage, kdh, rage against the machine that steals your life! Though politicians, at their end, know what is right, because their last breath has caused them to see the light, the poor and the lowly suffer through the empty American night! Rage, kdh, rage against the machine that steals your life!