Saturday, January 26, 2008


Recently, in an attempt to help my husband and me with our food-challenged selves, my wonderfully helpful/knowledgeable best friend Rose turned me on to several food blogs. There is one that I am really excited about. It is called 101 Cookbooks and the tag for the site is "Super Natural Cooking". Reading the blog last week, I became inspired--not only to cook but to cook healthful food. The site does not approach healthful eating (as many other companies, chefs, etc... do) by focusing on carbohydrate consumption, caloric intake, or low fat foods. Instead, it focuses on eating pure, natural ingredients in a balanced way, while also being delicious and gorgeous. Pretty awesome indeed!

It really drove home for me the ways in which new technology has the power to revolutionize the health of the masses. Reading food blogs allows one to check out healthy recipes in a much more inexpensive and convenient way than can be done with the traditional cookbook. The food blogs also are ever-evolving, so that you don't get into the rut of cooking that favorite recipe on page 172 of a cookbook you have had for years... Finally, they add a personal touch. Instead of learning recipes that have been through the ringer at a publishing house or a slew of producers and writers on the Food Network, these are real people, doing real cooking, who are truly passionate about it. So, check out and see how blogs are revolutionizing the way we eat.


Rose said...
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Rose said...

ahhhh, shucks. i love you too, kate. for anyone else interested, another great site for food porn is it's a repository for all food blogs and from it you can click on appetizing pictures and go directly to the recipes. think of it as my little gift to your waistline.

Unknown said...

Awesome post Kate. That site will be a great resource. You'll be happy to know that since I've been in Chicago Eryn and I (peep the improved gramar too) have only eaten out two times. Which is obviously a huge improvement over my Subway/Wendy's/Bronx Pizza diet that I employed in SD. The only problem is that the food we have been making is, although delicious, seemingly unhealthy (butter, sour cream and cheese have been staples). The websites you have showcased will definitely be great resources for us. Thanks again. And thanks to Rose too.

Rose said...

Thanks be to Ben.

Unknown said...

It is right to give thanks and praise

kdh said...


Unknown said...

hey kate, can i get in on the food blog sharing? as i move to my new kitchen, i am going to make an effort to cook and eat in more than i do now (with the exception of sushi nights with you and those special sushi chefs). besides, my mom bought me all those new pots and pans! i have to put them to good use. thanks to you and thanks to rose...and a big hello to rose and ben, too.

kdh said...

yay! we can all food blog it up. i spent a lot of time on taste spotting today (rose's rec). it's fantastic... but i think a good place to start is with 101 cookbooks. welcome to the land of blogging! at least until our next sushi encounter.

Unknown said...

Cooking is the new black